
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ironing Is Boring. Try a Fast, Cheap Handheld Steamer Instead. - The Wall Street Journal

PICKING UP STEAM These portable iron alternatives will release your wrinkles and fit in your suitcase. Photo: F. Martin Ramin/ The Wall Street Journal, Styling by Anne Cardenas

I HAVEN’T OWNED an iron for years. What do I do when my clothes inevitably crease and crinkle? I shake them out (5% effective), or I lazily steam them using the dubious “hang them in the bathroom while you shower” method (40% effective). I can get by using these methods except when I travel. Last month, I embarked on a two-week business trip, and, as usual, contorted my clothes into a small suitcase. As usual, they emerged with cataclysmic creases. It didn’t help that I also packed several hand-held steamers for on-the-road testing. Garment steamers—the iron’s lighter, no-board-required cousin—are becoming increasingly popular for both travel and home. According to Joe Derochowski, vice president at market-research firm the NPD Group, sales of garment steamers ticked up 6.5% between 2018 and 2019. In my tests of the three steamers at right, they all eradicated rumples, but differed in crucial, time-consuming ways.

Conair CompleteSteam Travel Fabric Steamer
Photo: F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal, Styling by Anne Cardenas

Weight: The handle is cannily incorporated, saving space on this 2-pound option.

Efficiency: It heated up fast yet I found that it belched water a little too easily. My shirt was left so damp I had to wait for it to dry.

Downsides: The filling mechanism is not user-friendly. You pour water down into an opaque reservoir, so it’s not always clear how close you are to overfilling it. $20,

Sunbeam Power Steam Fabric Handheld Steamer
Photo: F. Martin Ramin/ The Wall Street Journal, Styling by Anne Cardenas

Weight: Heavier (3 pounds) and larger than the others I tried. If you cart this big boy, be prepared to pony up extra baggage fees.

Efficiency: This hefty model kills wrinkles expertly. But it cheats, with a metal bar along the top that presses like a micro-iron.

Downsides: Again, it’s substantial. This is less of an on-the-road option than an at-home iron substitute. $50,

Lemontec Portable Travel Garment Steamer
Photo: F. Martin Ramin/ The Wall Street Journal, Styling by Anne Cardenas

Weight: I could see myself tossing this micro model, less than 2 pounds, into my carry-on.

Efficiency: Quickly became my favorite. The only caveat: It takes a while to heat up. Not for rushed situations.

Downsides: It has a tiny water well, so if you’re steaming out an entire outfit, it may require several refills. The plastic feels cheap, making me wonder how many trips it could endure. $18,

The Wall Street Journal is not compensated by retailers listed in its articles as outlets for products. Listed retailers frequently are not the sole retail outlets.

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January 30, 2020 at 02:47AM

Ironing Is Boring. Try a Fast, Cheap Handheld Steamer Instead. - The Wall Street Journal
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